Administrative Functions

The Post-Release Supervision and Parole Commission consists of four members who are appointed by the Governor. One of the members is designated by the governor to serve as chair. The Commissioners are responsible for making all discretionary release decisions and establishing the conditions of supervision. In addition, their responsibilities include all parole/post-release supervision revocation matters, the modification of parole/post-release supervision agreements and terms, and conducting meetings with crime victims, family members, and interested parties who wish to provide information to the Commission for parole/post-release supervision purposes.

The Parole Commission staff consists of corrections professionals including a psychologist, a DWI analyst, senior parole case analysts, parole case analysts and clerical support staff.

The psychologist conducts psychological evaluations on any offender referred by the Commission, in addition to conducting case consultations with mental health professionals on matters such as medical releases, mental health disorders and offender needs.

The DWI analyst identifies and refers appropriate DWI offenders with substance abuse problems to the Commission for placement in the DART Center and Black Mountain residential programs.

The parole case analysts determine and calculate parole/post-release eligibility, schedule and conduct parole/post-release reviews, analyze and assess each case eligible for supervision, and correspond and meet with interested parties. There is a revocation analyst to handle parole/post-release revocation reviews.

The lead parole case analysts supervise the analytical and support staffs and handle special types of release programs such as the jail release program and early medical release programs. All senior case analysts handle Mutual Agreement Parole Program (MAPP) reviews.

The support staff perform all clerical/administrative tasks for the Commission inclusive of typing dictation, processing paperwork associated with parole/post-release decisions, scheduling general public and victim meetings with the Commission, purchasing functions, assisting with meetings and hearings and telephone support functions.