2024 NC Rehabilitation and Reentry Conference Agenda & Presenter Materials
Click on the speaker's name to view/download a PDF of their presentation.
- Anita Lynch - Introduction to Transitional Housing: Practical Tools for Establishing a Transitional Housing Program
- Ashlee Barnes, Nicole Cates, Amber Livengood, and Nicole Watlington - Improving the Supervision of Offenders with Serious Mental Health Issues
- Barbara Kidder and Mike McGuirt - Oxford House
- Bill DeFulvio, Jay Giles, Sherwina Adams - A Holistic Approach to Reentry
- Brian Scott and LaNarda Williams - Journey Forward Together: All the Pieces Matter
- Dr. Brooke Wheeler - Education in Corrections: Vision and Action for the Future
- Cody Evans and Dr. Seth Bible - NC Field Minister Program
- Dr. Douglas Bates - Legal Financial Obligations: A Comparative Case Study of the Issues of Child Support
- Dr. Glen Warren - Initiated Intervention: A New Approach to Reentry
- Dr. Shanon White - Building Better Humans: Social Emotional Skills and Social Emotional Learning
- Evan Ashkin, Reginal Mahatha, Cassidy Quillen, and Juan Tuset - Building a Prison-Based Program to Provide Medication for Opioid Use Disorder
- Greg Winship, Eliza Barr, and Mary Ward - Reaching Out from Within
- Janis Wilson and Jeff Thomas - S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Science of Hope
- Jenni Owen - Improving Reentry Outcomes by Using Data and Evidence through Cross-Sector Partnerships
- Katy Forrest - SNAP & Reentry: Barriers to Access & Why it Matters
- Kristen Powers and Mona Evans - Benevolence Farm
- Kristy Brinson - Pathway to Successful Employment
- Leticia Thomas - Jubilee Home: A Housing Model for Person Centered Wellness
- Mark Merrick, Lindsay Jackson, Monica Wright, and Christian Messick - Transitional Housing FIRST: A Program for Reentry Services
- Mary Grillo - Medicaid Expansion
- Melissa Radcliff, Dr. Kristen DeVall, and Dr. Christina Lanier - Implementing Fresh (Family Re-Entry Support and Health)
- Michael Swiger and Jack Cowley - Damascus Reentry, Inc. and True Freedom Ministries
- Ontario Joyner and Robin Heath - Bridging Barriers: Transforming Lives Through Comprehensive Reentry Housing Strategies
- Shaheedah Jackson -Sweet Opportunities: Empowering Lives Through Community Engagement
- Shawn Harris, Dawn Lee, and Janice McLean - NCDAC Medicaid Program
- Shea Zwerver - Flagger Force
- Sheneathia Mabry and Terry Ruffin - SOAR to a Brighter Future
- Stephanie Hessler - Successful Reentry Strategies Transitioning to Community Supervision
- Thomas Weathers and Dr. Sharon McDaniel - An Introduction to Alcoholism and Chemical Dependency Programs
- Torrey Leach - 2024 Correction Enterprises: Our History, Mission & Values