Vision & Mission


Internal Audit strives to be the Department of Public Safety's most valued resource within the organization for determining whether:

(1) financial and operating information is accurate and reliable;
(2) risks are identified and minimized;
(3) external regulations and internal policies and procedures are followed;
(4) operating standards are met; and
(5) resources are used efficiently and economically.


Internal Audit exists to provide departmental management and staff with information and support necessary to effectively fulfill their responsibilities.

We will provide independent appraisals within the department to examine and evaluate various activities as a service to management.

In addition, Internal Audit will assist all levels of departmental management in the effective discharge of their responsibilities by furnishing them with analyses, recommendations, counsel and information concerning the activities reviewed, and by promoting effective controls.

Our objectives in accomplishing our mission are to:

  • Determine whether the department's various divisions, sections, facilities, programs, organizations, etc., carry out their functions in a manner consistent with Department of Public Safety's objectives and standards of administrative practice
  • Determine the adequacy and effectiveness of the department's systems of accounting and operating controls
  • Evaluate the reliability and integrity of financial and operating information
  • Provide analyses, evaluations and reviews of controls over computer systems, related support functions and electronic information
  • Determine the extent of compliance with policies, procedures, laws and regulations which could have significant impact on operations
  • Review the means of safeguarding assets and verify the existence of such assets
  • Appraise the economy and efficiency with which resources are administered to identify opportunities for cost savings
  • Provide a coordinated audit effort with departmental management and external auditors
  • Provide recommendations to improve operating performance, reduce risks and for solutions to problems where appropriate
  • Review specific operations and conduct investigations to identify fiscal misconduct.
  • Respond to all of management's requests in a timely and effective manner