Frequently Asked Questions

What is internal auditing?

Internal auditing is the organized activity by management to assure itself of proper adherence to organizational procedures and policies, and to secure the benefits of an objective, systematic verification and constructive analysis of the accounting, operating, and electronic data processing systems and procedures.

Whom do you audit?

The section conducts audits and reviews of DAC operations and grant funded programs.

What if I have a special activity or project that needs to be reviewed?

Upon request by management and/or by direction of the Secretary, Internal Audit will perform special reviews of selected activities that are of concern or specific interest to management.

Is a response to the audit findings required?

Yes, responses from auditees are required. After the exit conference, a draft audit report will be emailed to the auditee (usually the Director, Manager or Facility/Section Head) and responses will be requested back to Internal Audit within 15 calendar days. The responses should include any corrective action or comments that address the audit findings. All responses will be included in the final audit report.

After an audit is complete, how does one find out the results?

Internal Audit will conduct an exit conference with the auditee at the completion of the audit fieldwork. At this exit conference, Internal Audit will provide the auditee management with a draft audit report and discuss the audit findings and recommendations in detail. Subsequently, the final audit report will be issued to the auditee and copies provided to the Secretary, Executive Staff and auditee management.

How often do I get audited or when will you come back for another audit?

Internal Audit strives to provide audit coverage at each DAC location at least every 2-3 years. An audit can also be initiated at any time due to concerns, allegations or management request.

When there is a change in command, will an audit occur?

Change of command audits usually occur after Internal Audit has received a request from DAC Management.