Frequently Asked Questions About ACDP

How long have treatment programs existed in the North Carolina Department of Adult Correction?
In 1987, the Department of Adult Correction received funding to establish a Corrections Substance Use Disorder Program. As a result, the first treatment program began operations on Jan. 25, 1988, at Wayne Correctional Center in Goldsboro.

How many treatment programs does the Department of Adult Correction have for substance use disorder offenders?
ACDP has 21 substance use disorder treatment programs operating across the state.

Who is eligible for participation in a ACDP treatment program?
Eligibility to participate in treatment is based on diagnostic screening results and an offender's need for substance use disorder treatment.

What is considered during the admission process to an ACDP program?
Diagnostic center screening information and complete clinical assessment. 

How many Community-Based Treatment Facilities does ACDP provide substance use disorder services in?
ACDP provides clinical services in two community-based treatment facilities: DART (Drug Abuse & Alcoholism Residential Treatment) Center, a 300-bed residential substance use disorder treatment facility providing services to male probationers and parolees, and Black Mountain Substance Abuse Treatment Center for Women, a 64-bed residential substance use disorder treatment facility providing services to female probationers and parolees.

How do I get proof of my treatment?
Past program participants who received treatment services within a prison program may request verification of their completed program hours by calling the ACDP Quality Assurance Standards Specialist at 919-324-1208. Past program participants who received treatment services at either DART Center or Black Mountain may request verification of their completed program hours by contacting DART Center at 984-960-5425.