Community Supervision Internship and Volunteer Opportunities
Student Internship Program
The Division of Community Supervision Internship Program orients students to the career of a probation/parole officer and to introduce the student to the criminal justice system and community supervision in North Carolina. The paid summer program provides work experiences that are closely related to the student's major field of study. Community Supervision's expectation of the student is an open mind to the rehabilitation of an offender and professionalism toward the seriousness and responsibilities of the job.

The goals of the program are:
- To provide the intern with a substantive challenging work experience that will expand their understanding of Community Supervision's goals and objectives;
- To provide the intern with a realistic perspective of the complex nature of the role and responsibilities of probation/parole officers;
- To provide the intern with insight into the day-to-day activities of a probation/parole officer;
- To enable the intern to assess his/her skills and abilities against tasks of real-work situations;
- To provide the intern a greater appreciation of knowledge gained in the classroom and a realization of the importance of that knowledge as it applies to the administration of criminal justice; and
- To provide the student with a sense of career orientation by creating a heightened sense of desire for their chosen field.
Internship Resources
Volunteer Program
Community Supervision's purpose for permitting volunteers is to orient an interested citizen and potential applicant to the career and activities of a probation/parole officer and to introduce the individual to the criminal justice system as it pertains to community corrections in North Carolina.
Community Supervision staff will provide the volunteer:
- With a realistic perspective of the complex nature of the role and responsibilities of probation/parole officers; and,
- Insight into the day-to-day activities of a probation/parole officer.
Community Supervision will provide equal opportunity to all prospective volunteers without regard to race, religion, color, creed, national origin, sex, age, disability, or political affiliation/influence.
Probation/Parole Officer and Probation/Parole Associate
For more information on careers in Community Supervision, visit our Careers section.
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Statement
The NCDAC Division of Community Supervision will provide equal employment opportunity to all applicants for the internship program without regard to race, religion, color, creed, national origin, sex, age, disability, or political affiliation/influence. All selection decisions shall be based solely on job-related criteria and comply with all federal and state employment laws, regulations and policies, and will be consistently applied to promote fairness, diversity and integrity.